Cambridge Program
Cambridge Primary Program
The Cambridge Primary Program or Cambridge Primary is an international education program for primary school students aged 5-11. The Cambridge Primary Program helps students practice thinking, quick reflexes, stimulate creativity, and become confident and responsible people.
The primary Cambridge program is taught entirely in English in 3 subjects: Mathematics, English, Science and Information and Communication Technology (ICT).
- Cambridge Primary English helps students communicate naturally and effectively, developing important skills to absorb information in English naturally.
- This curriculum will develop students’ English language competencies and is designed to foster students’ understanding of world cultures.
Grade 1/Year 2
- Reading: Talk about a sequence of events or actions in a text, i.e. what happens at the beginning, middle, and end of a story.
- Listening & Speaking: Practice speaking clearly and coherently with familiar people.
- Writing: Plan your writing by speaking out loud, i.e. articulating sentences to describe a sequence of events before writing
Grade 2/Year 3
- Reading: Talk about a sequence of events or ideas read from a text. ~Listening & Speaking: Practice speaking clearly and confidently with familiar people.
- Listening & Speaking: Practice speaking clearly and confidently with familiar people.
- Writing: Plan writing through discussion, i.e. talking about the setting and characters with classmates before writing a story
Grade 3/Year 4
- Reading: Explore and describe how events or ideas in the text relate to previous or subsequent events or ideas.
- Listening & Speaking: Talk about familiar topics fluently and confidently.
- Writing: Plan and jot down key ideas before writing
Grade 4/Year 5
- Reading: Explore and describe the main stages in a text from its introduction to conclusion.
- Listening & Speaking: Practice speaking correctly and speaking in long sentences about familiar topics.
- Writing: Explore and describe the main stages in a text from its introduction to conclusion.
Grade 5/Year 6
- Reading: Explore and describe the process of ideas in a text comparing the process in different texts.
- Listening & Speaking: Speak accurately, concisely or at length, appropriate to the context.
- Writing: Effectively use writing plans to build material and structure, i.e. paragraphs or sections
Grade 6/Year 7
- Reading: Explore and describe the development of ideas in a text, including dealing with time (e.g., flashbacks or events presented out of chronological order).
- Listen & Speak: Adjust the pace and tone of voice appropriately in polite and casual contexts.
- Writing: Effectively use writing plans to build material and a comprehensive writing structure
- Cambridge Primary English helps students communicate naturally and effectively, developing important skills to absorb information in English naturally.
Grade 1/Year 2
- Reading: Learn to deduce the meaning of a series of simple, familiar words by associating them with pictures (with guidance).
- Writing: Write familiar words.
- Listening: Practice comprehension with short, simple questions and simple information requests (with guidance).
- Speaking: Describe people, places, and objects as well as everyday actions and events using simple words and phrases.
- Apply: Use familiar question words and question structures.
Grade 2/Year 3
- Reading: Infer the meaning of a series of simple and familiar words by associating them with pictures (with guidance).
- Writing: Plan and write short phrases and sentences (with guidance).
- Listening: Practice comprehension with short questions and simple requests for information (with guidance).
- Speaking: Describe people, places, and things as well as everyday actions and events, using short phrases and sentences.
- Apply: Use question words and question structures to ask basic questions.
Grade 3/Year 4
- Read: Infer meaning from the context, in short, simple illustrated texts (with guidance).
- Writing: Plan, write and correct sentences (with guidance).
- Listening: Understand some questions asking for information (with little to no guidance).
- Speaking: Describe people, places, and things as well as everyday actions and events, using sentences.
- Apply: Use question words and sentence structures to ask questions.
Grade 4/Year 5
- Read: Infer meaning from the context, in short, simple illustrated texts (without guidance).
- Writing: Plan, write, edit, and reread a sequence of short sentences in a passage (with guidance).
- Listening: Comprehension with an increasing number of questions as well as information (with guidance).
- Speaking: Describe people, places, and things as well as everyday actions and events in the past and present, using a short sequence of sentences.
- Apply: Use tag questions (statement + mini question) to express agreement or clarification.
Grade 5/Year 6
- Reading: Inferring meaning from the context in short texts.
- Writing: Plan, write, edit and proofread short passages (with guidance).
- Listening: Understanding a variety of informational questions.
- Speaking: Describe people, places, and things as well as everyday actions and events in the past and present, using a series of sentences.
- Apply: Use tag questions to express agreement or clarification.
Grade 6/Year 7
- Reading: Inferring meaning from the context in short and extended texts (with guidance).
- Writing: Plan, write, edit and proofread short texts (with little or no guidance).
- Listening: Understand questions that require a lot of detailed information.
- Speaking: Describe people, places and objects as well as everyday actions and events in the past and present.
- Apply: Use some verbs to ask questions to express opinions and expand knowledge.
- The mathematics curriculum explores five topics: arithmetic, geometry, measurement, data processing, and problem-solving.
- This course focuses on principles, patterns, systems, functions, and relationships so that students can apply their mathematical knowledge and develop a comprehensive understanding of the topic.
Grade 1/Year 2
- Arithmetic: Representing the concepts of halves as fractions
- Geometry and measurement: Distinguishing 2D and 3D shapes
- Probability and statistics: Describe data, using familiar language including references to more, less, most, or at least to answer non-statistical questions and draw conclusions
Grade 2/Year 3
- Arithmetic: Understand and visualize that sums, twos, and quarters can be combined to create new fractions
- Geometry and metrology: Recognize 2D and 3D shapes in familiar objects
- Probability and statistics: Describe data, identify similarities and differences to answer non-statistical and statistical questions, and draw conclusions
Grade 3/Year 4
- Arithmetic: Add and subtract fractions with the same denominator (in a sum)
- Geometry and metrology: Visual recognition, drawings, and diagrams of 3D shapes
- Probability and statistics: Interpret data, identify similarities and differences in data sets to answer non-statistical and statistical questions, and discuss conclusions
Grade 4/Year 5
- Arithmetic: Add and subtract fractions with the same denominator
- Geometry and measurement: Match the polygon mesh to the corresponding 3D shape
- Probability and statistics: Interpret data, identify similarities and differences, within and between data sets, to answer statistical questions. Discuss conclusions, consider variations
Grade 5/Year 6
- Arithmetic: Add and subtract fractions with the same denominator and denominators that are multiples of each other
- Geometry and measurement: Define and outline different polygon meshes for a cube
- Probability and statistics: Describe data, identify patterns in data sets to answer statistical questions. Discuss conclusions, examine variability
Grade 6/Year 7
- Arithmetic: Add and subtract fractions with different denominators
- Geometry and measurement: Define and sketch different meshes for cubes, cubes, prisms, and pyramids.
- Probability and statistics: Describe data, identify patterns in data sets to answer statistical questions. Discuss conclusions, examine variability, and test predictions
Cambridge Lower Secondary
The Cambridge Lower Secondary program is usually taught to students aged 11 to 14. This program focuses on mastering fundamental knowledge in key subjects, practising academic English, and supplementing basic international knowledge while preparing them for a future in higher education.
At Westminster Academy, we implement tutorial courses in this program, including 3 subjects: Maths, Science, English (English as a first or second language).
- Overview: Students are guided to develop their thinking ability and practical skills parallel to scientific theories to answer questions about the world around them. This is an approach to help children improve their awareness of the science around them, practice logical thinking skills and emotional intelligence management life skills.
- The curriculum covers a wide range of scientific topics, including:
- Biology – living organisms and how they interact
- Chemistry – the study of matter
- Physics – the interaction of matter and energy
- Earth and Space – planet Earth, the Solar System and other interesting topics
- Think and work scientifically – learn how to use scientific models and practice applying them to real-life contexts
- Science in life – the relationship between science and everyday life
Lớp 7
- Tư duy và làm việc khoa học: Thực hành an toàn
- Sinh học: Nắm được các sinh vật được cấu tạo từ tế bào và vi sinh vật có cấu tạo đơn bào
- Hóa học: Sử dụng mô hình hạt để mô tả các phản ứng hóa học
- Vật lý: Mô tả những thay đổi về năng lượng là kết quả của một sự kiện hoặc quá trình
- Khoa học Trái Đất và vũ trụ: Vận dụng: Thảo luận về sự ảnh hưởng và tác động của khoa học trong đời sống
Lớp 8
- Tư duy và làm việc khoa học: Thực hành an toàn, có hỗ trợ đánh giá rủi ro
- Sinh học
- Hóa học: Sử dụng phương trình để mô tả phản ứng hóa học
Vật lý
- Khoa học Trái Đất và vũ trụ
- Vận dụng: Thảo luận về sự ảnh hưởng và tác động của khoa học trong đời sống
Lớp 9
- Tư duy và làm việc khoa học: Thực hành an toàn, có hỗ trợ đánh giá rủi ro
- Sinh học: Hiểu rằng nhiễm sắc thể chứa các gen được cấu tạo từ DNA và các gen này góp phần xác định các đặc điểm của sinh vật
- Hóa học: Sử dụng phương trình từ và phương trình ký hiệu để mô tả phản ứng (không yêu cầu cân bằng phương trình).
- Vật lý: Định luật bảo toàn năng lượng
- Khoa học Trái Đất và vũ trụ: Giải thích sự dịch chuyển của các mảng kiến tạo dựa trên các dòng đối lưu
- Vận dụng: Thảo luận về sự ảnh hưởng và tác động của khoa học trong đời sống
- Overview: The Mathematics course focuses on students’ comprehensive development of logical thinking ability as well as building proficiency in calculations and equations. Students learn to think mathematically and practice it in real life, actively seek ideas, and make connections between different definitions and principles. This supports in-depth, developed thinking that helps students see the world more mathematically.
- The curriculum covers 3 main branches
- Arithmetic
- Geometry and measurement
- Probability and statistics
Grade 7/Year 8
- Arithmetic: Understand the relationship between squares and square roots, cubes and cube roots
- Algebra: Rule of algebra, describing the number n in the form 𝑛 ± 𝑎, 𝑎 × 𝑛 (where 𝑎 is an integer)
- Geometry and Measurement: Find the origin and use formulas to calculate the volume of a shape or cube. Use the formula to calculate the volume of an object in cubic meters (m³), cubic centimeters (cm³), and cubic millimeters (mm³)
- Probability and statistics: Understand the concept of probability, explain why probabilities range from 0 to 1, and express them as fractions, decimals, and percentages
Grade 8/Year 9
- Arithmetic: Recognize squares of real numbers and their corresponding square roots
- Algebra: Rule of algebra, describing the number n in the form 𝑛 ± 𝑎, 𝑎 × 𝑛 or 𝑎𝑛 ± 𝑏 (where 𝑎 and 𝑏 are positive integers, negative integers or fractions)
- Geometry and measurement: Apply knowledge of area and volume to figure out how to calculate the volume of a triangular prism
- Probability and statistics: Use the rule of addition to calculate the probability of a combination of two events
Grade 9/Year 10
- Arithmetic: Applying knowledge of square roots and cube roots to prove irrational numbers
- Algebra: Rule of algebra, describing the number n in the form 𝑎𝑛 ± 𝑏, (where 𝑎 and 𝑏 are positive integers, negative integers or fractions, in the form n/a, 𝑛², n³ or 𝑛² ± a where is an integer)
- Geometry and measurement: Apply knowledge of area and volume to figure out how to calculate the volume of prisms and cylinders
- Probability and statistics: Understand the rule of addition in probability – the probability of two mutually exclusive events can be found as the sum and the sum of the probabilities of the two mutually exclusive events equal to 1
- This program helps students explore languages and cultures and how each can shape people’s perceptions of the world. Students develop the ability to think logically in the English language, and at the same time confidently communicate and practice their reading comprehension skills.
- Syllabus Overview:
- Reading
- Writing
- Listening
- Speaking
- Use of English
English as a first language
- Grade 7/Year 8
- Reading: Comment on the main structural features of works of fiction, non-fiction, and poetry
- Writing: Practice essay planning to form and build solid ideas
- Listening & Speaking: Express opinions on other works and issues through speech, gestures and movements
- Grade 8/Year 9
- Read: Discuss how authors use text structures to create an emotive effect in a variety of poetic works and genres
- Writing: Practice using appropriate approaches in essay planning to generate, organize, and form concrete ideas
- Listening & Speaking: Expressing empathy and understanding with a character through speech, gesture, and movement
- Grade 9/Year 10
- Reading: Analyzing the influence of text structure in literary and poetic works
- Writing: Choose whether to plan an essay before you begin to write
- Listening & Speaking: Explore complex ideas and problems in drama productions, build a character, and apply dramatic approaches with confidence.
- This program helps students explore languages and cultures and how each can shape people’s perceptions of the world. Students develop the ability to think logically in the English language, and at the same time confidently communicate and practice their reading comprehension skills.
English as a second language
- Grade 7/Year 8
- Reading: Inferring meaning from the context with little or no support in short or extended texts
- Write: Break text with precision when writing independently
- Listening: Condense the information of a conversation or when listening (teacher assisted)
- Speaking: Express opinions and ideas and begin to develop discussion ideas (support if necessary by adding reasons, examples and examples)
- Applicability: Use conjunctions to draw conclusions (therefore, ultimately, etc,…) and provide explanations (eg. such, because, etc…)
- Grade 8/Year 9
- Reading: Infer meaning from the context of a text and understand other underlying meanings in short or extended texts (teacher assisted)
- Write: Logical text breaks when writing independently
- Listening: Condense the information of a conversation or when listening with little or no support
- Speaking: Express personal opinions and justify personal views
- Applicability: Use conjunctions to indicate purpose (to, from, etc…) and compare (although, meanwhile, likewise, etc…)
- Grade 9/Year 10
- Reading: Infer meaning from context and understand other implied meanings in short or extended texts with little or no support
- Writing: Logical text breaks when writing independently and take charge in correcting personal errors
- Listening: Condense the information of a conversation when listening without support
- Speaking: Express personal opinions, justify the personal view and evaluate the opinions of others
- Applicability: Using conjunctions in English
International General Certificate of Secondary Education
The International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSEs) is an international certificate for the completion of high school education by students ages 14 to 16 administered by the Cambridge International Examinations (CIE).
The program is designed for international school students, students studying abroad, and high achieving students.
The program operates through flexible class hours and various learning options for parents and students to choose from. Students can choose to study in 1-1 lessons or small groups of 5 or fewer students to be conducted through either in-person learning at home, classes at the academy, or online lessons.
At Westminster Academy, 80% of the teachers have graduated from universities abroad such as the UK, USA, Australia, and Canada. 50% of our teachers have Master's degrees and 20% have PhD degrees.
Subjects currently supported at Westminster Academy
✔️ Business
✔️ Economics
✔️ Math
✔️ Physics
✔️ Chemistry
✔️ Biology
✔️ Science
✔️ English Literature
✔️ Enterprise
✔️ Travel & Tourism
✔️ English as 1st/ 2nd language
✔️ Art
✔️ Media
✔️ ICT
✔️ Psychology
✔️ Geography
✔️ Sociology
- Establishing foundational knowledge so students have a firm grasp on accounting principles and how to apply it to individuals, businesses, non-commercial organizations, etc…
- Develop a strong understanding of accounting concepts, terms, rules and processes
- Improve numeracy, literacy, communication, presentation and interpretation skills
- Improve accuracy and logical thinking abilities
Content Overview
- The fundamentals of accounting
- Sources and recording of data
- Verification of accounting records
- Accounting procedures
- Preparation of financial statements
- Analysis and interpretation
- Accounting principles and policies
- The course equips students with scientific knowledge such as safe experimentation skills and how to retrieve and analyze variable data and scientific evidence, and how to apply scientific knowledge to life.
Content Overview
- Characteristics and classification of living organisms
- Organization of the organism
- Movement into and out of cells
- Biological molecules
- Enzymes
- Plant nutrition
- Human nutrition
- Transport in plants
- Transport in animals
- Diseases and immunity
- Gas exchange in humans
- Respiration
- Excretion in humans
- Coordination and response
- Drugs
- Reproduction
- Inheritance
- Variation and selection
- Organisms and their environment
- Human influences on ecosystems
- Biotechnology and genetic modification
- Business Studies teaches students to fully grasp key business concepts, effectively use appropriate terms, concepts and methods, recognize the strengths and limitations of business ideas, and guide them in applying their knowledge and understanding to different business contexts.
Content Overview
- Understanding business activity
- People in business
- Marketing
- Operations management
- Financial information and decisions
- External influences on business activity
- The course equips students with scientific knowledge such as safe experimentation skills and how to retrieve and analyze variable data and scientific evidence, and how to apply scientific knowledge to life.
Content Overview
- States of matter
- Atoms, elements and compounds
- Stoichiometry
- Electrochemistry
- Chemical energetics
- Chemical reactions
- Acids, bases and salts
- The Periodic Table
- Metals
- Chemistry of the environment
- Organic chemistry
- Experimental techniques and chemical analysis
- Economics is designed to help students grasp theoretical terms and concepts of economics, which will be useful and applicable as international trade and globalization further develops and modernizes. Students will be able to apply basic economic arithmetic, interpret and analyze economic data and logically express an idea in graphs and essay writing.
Content Overview
- The basic economic problem
- The allocation of resources
- Microeconomic decision-makers
- Government and the macroeconomy
- Economic development
- International trade and globalization
- Students will learn to master and effectively use relevant terms, concepts and methods when developing and applying knowledge, understanding and skills to corporate issues in national and global contexts. Students will also work to develop independent study skills whilst maintaining engaging and stimulating communication skills.
Content Overview
- Introduction to enterprise
- Setting up a new enterprise
- Enterprise skills
- Enterprise opportunities, risk, legal obligations and ethical considerations
- Negotiation
- Finance
- Business planning
- Markets and customers
- Help and support for enterprise
- Communication
- In Maths, students will develop their fundamental knowledge, skills and understanding of mathematical methods and concepts, and learn how to select and apply techniques and logical reasoning to solve problems. This subject teaches vital skills and knowledge for students to excel in academic programmes later in life.
- Number
- Algebra
- Algebra and graphs
- Coordinate geometry
- Shape and space
- Geometry
- Mensuration
- Trigonometry
- Vectors and transformations
- Probability and statistics
- Probability
- Statistics
- The course equips students with scientific knowledge such as safe experimentation skills and how to retrieve and analyze variable data and scientific evidence, and how to apply scientific knowledge to life.
Content Overview
- Motion, forces and energy
- Thermal physics
- Waves
- Electricity and magnetism
- Nuclear physics
- Space physics
- Aim: The Science course covers all 3 scientific disciplines. Biology, Chemistry and Physics combine to help students acquire in-depth scientific knowledge, focus on developing and nurturing the ability to plan, experiment, analyze analysis and evaluation within the framework of the course outline.
- Biology
- Characteristics of living organisms
- Cells
- Biological molecules
- Enzymes
- Plant nutrition
- Animal nutrition
- Transport
- Gas exchange and respiration
- Coordination and response
- Reproduction
- Organisms and their environment
- Human influences on ecosystems
- Chemistry
- The particulate nature of matter
- Experimental techniques
- Atoms, elements and compounds
- Stoichiometry
- Electricity and chemistry
- Energy changes in chemical reactions
- Chemical reactions
- Acids, bases and salts
- The Periodic Table
- Metals
- Air and water
- Organic chemistry
- Physics
- Motion
- Work, energy and power
- Thermal physics
- Properties of waves, including light and sound
- Electrical quantities
- Electric circuits
- The iGCSE English Literature program allows students to read and understand, interpret, and evaluate a variety of literature in English. The program’s content includes plays, prose and poetry from the works of Shakespeare to contemporary literature. The subject helps students experience the enjoyment of perusing each piece of work, fosters imagination, curiosity, explores broader and more universal issues, and cultivates a better understanding of the subject, humans and the world around them.
- Paper 1
- Poetry and Prose 50%
- Paper 2
- Drama 50%
- Paper 3
- Drama (Open Text) 25% & Paper 4 – Unseen 25%
- Paper 3
- Drama (Open Text) 25% & Component 5 – Coursework 25%
- Paper 1
- Poetry and Prose is compulsory for all students, and may then choose which of the other papers to sit.
- Aim: The GCSE Travel and Tourism program will equip students with skills and insights into the ever-changing and evolving industry of travel and tourism.
- The curriculum is designed to:
- Teach basic knowledge about the nature of the domestic, national and international tourism and travel industry
- Help students understand the concepts and theories used in the industry
- Guide students to understand the importance of various factors in the industry, including sustainability, customer demands, destination and marketing
- Improve students’ analytical, interpretive and evaluative writing skills
- Unit 1
- The travel and tourism industry
- Unit 2
- Features of worldwide destinations
- Unit 3
- Customer care and working procedures
- Unit 4
- Travel and tourism products and services
- Unit 5
- Marketing and promotion
- Unit 6
- The marketing and promotion of visitor services
Advanced Level
The A-Level is a traditional leaving qualification offered in the United Kingdom to students who wish to submit applications to top universities around the world.
A-Levels are a 2-year Baccalaureate program for students aged 17-18, taught in nearly 130 countries around the world. During their studies, students will choose to study 3 to 4 subjects in depth and practice critical thinking, analytical and essay writing skills in preparation for their application and entrance into university.
Westminster Academy is one-stop-shop which provide full tutoring program for A Level subjects, from familiar subjects such as Business, Math, Science, ... to subjects that are not chosen by many students such as Psychology , Media, Computer Science, Sociology,..
- This course helps students to understand, apply, analyze and evaluate accounting information to help make business decisions and communicate the information to stakeholders. This is a fundamental course for students who wish to pursue further study in accounting or related professions.
Topic 1 – Financial Accounting
- AS Level
- The accounting cycle
- Accounting for non-current assets
- Reconcilliation and verification
- Preperation of financial statements: Adjustments, Sole traders, Partnerships, Limited companies
- Analysis and communication of accounting information to stakeholders
- A level (includes the content learned at AS Level)
- Preparation of financial statements: Manufacturing businesses, Non-profit organisations, Limited companies, International Accounting Standards, Auditing and stewardship of limited companies
- Business purchase and merger
- Consignment and Joint venture accounts
- Computerised accounting systemes
- Analysis and communication of accounting information
Topic 2 – Cost and Management Accounting
- AS Level
- Costing for materials and labour
- Traditional costing methods: Absorption costing, Marginal costing, Cost-volume-profit analysis
- The application of accounting to business planning
- A level (includes the content learned at AS Level)
- Activities based costing (ABC)
- Budgeting and budgetary control
- Standard control
- Investment appraisal
- This course builds on the skills and knowledge students have gained at Biology or Science Cambridge IGCSE level (or a class of equivalent level). The course covers fundamental theoretical concepts, current applications of biology and an emphasis on advanced practical skills.
- Content Overview for AS level
- Cell structure
- Biological molecules
- Enzymes
- Cell membranes and transport
- The mitotic cell cycle
- Nucleic acids and protein synthesis
- Transport in plants
- Transport in mammals
- Gas exchange
- Infectious diseases
- Immunity
- Practical skills
- Candidates for Cambridge International A Level Biology study the AS topics (above) and the following topics
- Energy and respiration
- Photosynthesis
- Homeostasis
- Control and coordination
- Inheritance
- Selection and evolution
- Classification, biodiversity and conservation
- Genetic technology
- Practical skills
- This course will help students:
- Acquire knowledge, understanding and develop practical skills, including effective, accurate and safe scientific practice
- Learn to apply scientific methods while developing an awareness of the limitations of scientific theories and models
- Develop skills to analyze data, evaluate and draw conclusions, cultivate science-appropriate attitudes such as objectivity, integrity, curiosity, initiative and creativity
- Develop effective scientific communication skills, using according terminology and scientific conventions
- Understand our responsibility to people in society and care for environmental issues
Topic 1: Physical Chemistry: Research and study macroscopic and particle phenomena in chemical systems in terms of physical principles, practices, and concepts such as motion, energy, force, time, thermodynamics, quantum chemistry, statistical mechanics, analytical dynamics, and stoichiometry.
- AS Level
- Atomic structure
- Atoms, molecules and stoichiometry
- Chemical bonding
- States of matter
- Chemical energetics
- Electrochemistry
- Equilibria
- Reaction kinetics
- A-Level (including topics offered at AS Level):
- Chemical energetics
- Electric chemistry
- Equilibria
- Reaction kinetics
Topic 2: Inorganic chemistry
- AS Level
- The Periodic Table: chemical periodicity
- Group 2
- Group 17
- Nitrogen and sulfur
- A-Level (including topics offered at AS Level):
- Group 2
- Chemistry of transition elements
Topic 3: Organic chemistry
- AS Level
- An introduction to AS organic chemistry
- Hydrocarbons
- Halogen compounds
- Hydroxy compounds
- Carbonyl compounds
- Carboxylic acids and derivatives
- Nitrogen compounds
- Polymerisation
- Organic synthesis
- A-Level (including topics offered at AS Level):
- An introduction to A-level organic chemistry
- Hydrocarbons
- Halogen compounds
- Hydroxy compounds
- Carbonyl compounds
- Carboxylic acids and derivatives
- Nitrogen compounds
- Polymerisation
- Organic synthesis
Topic 4: Analytical techniques
- AS Level and A-Level:
- Analytical techniques
- The course curriculum is built around four main themes of psychology, which are biology, cognition, learning and society. It also deals with the psychology of anomaly, consumer behaviour , health and institutions.
Content Overview: The AS level program focuses on 12 core research topics illustrated through research methods used in psychology including experiments, observations, self-assessments and case studies. 12 main research topics of the subject:
- Biological
- Canli et al. (brain scans and emotions)
- Dement and Kleitman (sleep and dreams)
- Schachter and Singer (two factors in emotion)
- Cognitive
- Andrade (doodling)
- Baron-Cohen et al. (eyes test)
- Laney et al. (false memory)
- Learning
- ABandura et al. (aggression)
- Saavedra and Silverman (button phobia)
- Pepperberg (parrot learning)
- Social
- Milgram (obedience)
- Piliavin et al. (subway Samaritans)
- Yamamoto et al. (chimpanzee helping)
Candidates for Cambridge International A Level Psychology study the AS topics (above) and choose 2 out of the following additional topics:
- Abnormal Psychology
- Behavioral Psychology
- Health Psychology
- Organizational Psychology
- This course helps students understand the size and importance of the travel and tourism industry and recognize the positive and negative impacts the industry can have on people, the environment and the economy.
AS Level
- Features of the travel and tourism industry:
- Scale of the travel and tourism industry
- Factors affecting tourism
- Structure of the travel and tourism industry
- Subsectors of the travel and tourism industry
- Principles of customer service in travel and tourism:
- Customers and their needs
- Impacts of quality customer service
- Assessing the quality of customer service in travel and tourism organisations
- Planning and managing a travel and tourism event:
- Working in a team
- Choosing the event
- Producing a business plan for a travel and tourism event
- Preparing for the event
- Running the event
- Evaluating the event and making recommendations
andidates for Cambridge International A-Level Travel & Tourism study the AS topics (above) and the following topics:
- Defining the tourism market:
- Market research and analysis
- Establishing the destination identity
- Implementing the destination brand
- Building a destination brand:
- Communicating the destination brand
- Difficulties in implementing the destination brand
- Communicating the destination brand:
- Difficulties in implementing the destination brand
- Monitoring the effectiveness of the destination brand
- Organisations involved in destination management, their roles and priorities
- Destination management: Objectives of tourism development and management
- Destination management activities
- Impacts of tourism development
- The course will help students:
- • Develop fundamental knowledge applicable for in-depth study
- • Analyze the characteristics and operations of business organizations and how they adapt to market changes
- • Learn how to operate and manage a business in terms of customers, products and services.
- • Look at how organizations successfully do business in terms of financial and accounting practices to maximize shareholder value
- • Develop knowledge related to strategic planning and decision making to ensure the survival, adaptation and sustainable development of the business
Topic 1: Business and environment:
- AS Level :
- Enterprise
- Business structure
- Size of business
- Business objectives
- Stakeholders in a business
- Candidates for Cambridge International A Level Business Studies study the AS topics (above) and the following topics:
- Business structure
- Size of business
- External influences on business activity
Topic 2: People in organisations:
- AS Level :
- Management and leadership
- Motivation
- Human resource management
- Candidates for Cambridge International A Level Business Studies study the AS topics (above) and the following topics:
- Human resource management
- Organisational structure
- Business communication
Topic 3: Marketing – What is marketing? :
- AS Level :
- Market research
- The marketing mix
- Candidates for Cambridge International A Level Business Studies study the AS topics (above) and the following topics:
- Marketing planning
- Globalisation and international marketing
Topic 4: Operations and project management:
- AS Level :
- The nature of operations
- Operations planning
- Inventory management
- Candidates for Cambridge International A Level Business Studies study the AS topics (above) and the following topics:
- Operations planning
- Capacity utilisation
- Lean production and quality management
- Project management
Topic 5: Finance and accounting:
- AS Level :
- The need for business finance
- Sources of finance
- Costs
- Accounting fundamentals
- Forecasting cash flow and managing working capital
- Candidates for Cambridge International A Level Business Studies study the AS topics (above) and the following topics:
- Costs
- Budgets
- Contents of published accounts
- Analysis of published accounts
- Investment appraisal
Topic 6: Strategic management:
- A-Level Business Studies study the following topics:
- What is strategic management?
- Strategic analysis
- Strategic choice
- Strategic implementation
- The course focuses on a wide variety of texts and genres, from classics to more contemporary literature. Students develop the ability to analyze words, sentences and paragraphs, and grow their understanding of how to incorporate knowledge of context into analytical writing.
Content Overview:
- Drama and Poetry
- Prose and Unseen
- Shakespeare and Drama
- Pre- and Post-1900 Poetry and Prose
- At AS Level:
- Students will study how to analyse 3 works and 1 unseen text.
- A-Level students are required to study four more works:
- AS Level consists of 2 exams – Paper 1 and Paper 2. A-Level includes 4 exams – Paper 1, 2, 3, and 4.
- Mathematics is a fundamental subject that equips students with the knowledge and skills necessary to study in any field. It is an innovative and interconnected subject that provides answers to some of the most fascinating problems in the world.
- Aims for students:
- Develop awareness, skills, and a deeper understanding of mathematical principles and concepts
- Capture, select and apply mathematical techniques in problem-solving
- Give mathematical reasons, deduct and infer, and draw conclusions
- Understand, interpret, and communicate mathematical information in a variety of formats
- Build a strong foundation for university study, no matter what career path students choose
Content Overview:
- Topic 1: Pure Mathematics 1 (Paper 1)
- 1.1 Quadratics
- 1.2 Functions
- 1.3 Coordinate geometry
- 1.4 Circular measure
- 1.5 Trigonometry
- 1.6 Series
- 1.7 Differentiation
- 1.8 Integration
- Topic 2: Pure Mathematics (Paper 2)
- 2.1 Algebra
- 2.2 Logarithmic and exponential functions
- 2.3 Trigonometry
- 2.4 Differentiation
- 2.5 Integration
- 2.6 Numerical solution of equations
- Topic 3: Pure Mathematics 3 (Paper 3)
- 3.1 Algebra
- 3.2 Logarithmic and exponential functions
- 3.3 Trigonometry
- 3.4 Differentiation
- 3.5 Integration
- 3.6 Numerical solution of equations
- 3.7 Vectors
- 3.8 Differential equations
- 3.9 Complex numbers
- Topic 4: Mechanics (Paper 4)
- 4.1 Forces and equilibrium
- 4.2 Kinematics of motion in a straight line
- 4.3 Momentum
- 4.4 Newton’s laws of motion
- 4.5 Energy, work and power
- Topic 5: Probability & Statistics 1 (Paper 5)
- 5.1 Representation of data
- 5.2 Permutations and combinations
- 5.3 Probability
- 5.4 Discrete random variables
- 5.5 The normal distribution
- Topic 6: Probability & Statistics 2 (Paper 6)
- 6.1 The Poisson distribution
- 6.2 Linear combinations of random variables
- 6.3 Continuous random variables
- 6.4 Sampling and estimation
- 6.5 Hypothesis tests
- The subject builds on the skills and knowledge students have gained at Physics or Science Cambridge IGCSE level (or a class of equivalent level). The course covers fundamental theoretical concepts, current applications of physics and an emphasis on advanced practical skills.
- Students focus on understanding and researching Physics topics including Astrophysics, Medical Physics, and Applied Physics. It introduces students to in-depth knowledge such as circular motion, gravity fields, thermal properties, vibrations, ultrasound, electric fields, capacitance, sensor electric, magnetic field, alternating current, etc…
- The subject focuses on the concepts and applications of physical ideas in various contexts as well as expanding students’ knowledge.
AS Level:
- Physical quantities and units
- Kinematics
- Dynamics
- Forces, density and pressure
- Work, energy and power
- Deformation of solids
- Waves
- Superposition
- Electricity
- D.C circuits
- Particle physics
- Practical skills
Candidates for Cambridge International A-Level Physics study the AS Level topics and the following topics:
- Motion in a circle
- Gravitational fields
- Temperature
- Ideal gases
- Thermodynamics
- Oscillations
- Electric fields
- Capacitance
- Magnetic fields
- Alternating currents
- Quantum physics
- Nuclear physics
- Medical physics
- Astronomy and cosmology
- Practical skills
- Economics is a fundamental subject that helps students practice explaining and analyzing economic problems. Students also learn how to evaluate economic information and organize, present and communicate their ideas succinctly through graphs or essay writing.
- Syllabus overview:
- Introduction to basic economics, including government intervention, international trade and exchange rates
- Employment rate measurement method
- Inflation; causes and consequences
- Price system
- Behavioural theory of business
- Market failure
- Macroeconomic theory and policy, economic growth and development
Topic 1: Basic economic ideas and resource allocation:
- AS Level:
- Scarcity, choice and opportunity cost
- Positive and normative statements
- Factors of production
- Resource allocation in different economic systems and issues of transition
- Production possibility curves
- MoneyClassification of goods and services
- Basic economic ideas and resource allocation: Candidates for Cambridge International A-Level Economics study the AS Level topics and the following topics:
- Efficient resource allocation
- Externalities and market failure
- Social costs and benefits; cost-benefit analysis
Topic 2: The price system and the micro economy:
- AS Level:
- Demand and supply curves
- Price elasticity, income elasticity and cross-elasticities of demand
- Price elasticity of supply
- Interaction of demand and supply
- Market equilibrium and disequilibrium
- Consumer and producer surplus
- Basic economic ideas and resource allocation: Candidates for Cambridge International A-Level Economics study the AS Level topics and the following topics:
- Law of diminishing marginal utility
- Indifference curves
- Budget lines
- Types of cost, revenue and profit, short-run and long-run production
- Different market structures
- Growth and survival of firms
- Differing objectives of a firm
Topic 3: Government and microeconomic intervention:
- AS Level:
- Maximum and minimum prices
- Taxes (direct and indirect)
- Subsidies
- Transfer payments
- Direct provision of goods and services
- Naitonalisation and privatisation
- Basic economic ideas and resource allocation: Candidates for Cambridge International A-Level Economics study the AS Level topics and the following topics:
- Policies to achieve efficient resource allocation and correct market failure
- Equity and policies towards income and wealth redistribution
- Labour market forces and government intervention: Demand and supply of labour | Wage determination in perfect markets | Wage determination in imperfect markets
- Government failure in microeconomic intervention
Topic 4: The macro economy:
- AS Level:
- Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply analysis
- Inflation
- Balance of payments
- Exchange rates
- The terms of trade
- Principles of absolute and comparative advantage
- Protectionism
- Basic economic ideas and resource allocation: Candidates for Cambridge International A-Level Economics study the AS Level topics and the following topics:
- Economic growth, economic development and sustainability
- National Income statistics
- Classification of countries
- Employment/unemployment
- The circular flow of income
- Money supply (theory)
- Keynesian and Monetarist schools
- The demand for money and interest rate determination
- Policies towards developing economies; policies of trade and aid
Topic 5: Government macro intervention:
- AS Level:
- Fiscal, monetary and supply side policy
- Policies to correct balance of payments disequilibrium
- Policies to correct inflation and deflation
- Basic economic ideas and resource allocation: Candidates for Cambridge International A-Level Economics study the AS Level topics and the following topics:
- Government macro policy aims
- Inter-connectedness of problems
- Effectiveness of policy options to meet all macroeconomic objectives
- Media Studies is a relatively new subject for Vietnamese students. Currently, Westminster has brought this subject into the center of our teaching field.
- Aims for students:
- Understand the importance of international communication through interaction with media concepts, products and creative application of practical skills
- Develop independence in research and application skills
- Explore media production processes, technology and context
- Explore the impact of media on everyday life and different cultures to see how this affects social values
AS Level candidates must study:
- Candidates must study:
- Media texts
- Technical elements
- Media contexts
- Candidates must study at least one media area specified below:
- Film
- Music
- Radio and podcasts
- Video games
In addition to the above A-Level
- Candidates must study at least two of the following topics:
- Media regulation
- Postmodern media
- Power and the media
- Candidates must also study:
- Media ecology