This course helps students to understand, apply, analyze and evaluate accounting information to help make business decisions and communicate the information to stakeholders. This is a fundamental course for students who wish to pursue further study in accounting or related professions.
Topic 1 – Financial Accounting
AS Level
The accounting cycle
Accounting for non-current assets
Reconcilliation and verification
Preperation of financial statements: Adjustments, Sole traders, Partnerships, Limited companies
Analysis and communication of accounting information to stakeholders
A level (includes the content learned at AS Level)
Preparation of financial statements: Manufacturing businesses, Non-profit organisations, Limited companies, International Accounting Standards, Auditing and stewardship of limited companies
Business purchase and merger
Consignment and Joint venture accounts
Computerised accounting systemes
Analysis and communication of accounting information
Topic 2 – Cost and Management Accounting
AS Level
Costing for materials and labour
Traditional costing methods: Absorption costing, Marginal costing, Cost-volume-profit analysis
The application of accounting to business planning
A level (includes the content learned at AS Level)