Overview: The Mathematics course focuses on students’ comprehensive development of logical thinking ability as well as building proficiency in calculations and equations. Students learn to think mathematically and practice it in real life, actively seek ideas, and make connections between different definitions and principles. This supports in-depth, developed thinking that helps students see the world more mathematically.
The curriculum covers 3 main branches
Geometry and measurement
Probability and statistics
Grade 7/Year 8
Arithmetic: Understand the relationship between squares and square roots, cubes and cube roots
Algebra: Rule of algebra, describing the number n in the form 𝑛 ± 𝑎, 𝑎 × 𝑛 (where 𝑎 is an integer)
Geometry and Measurement: Find the origin and use formulas to calculate the volume of a shape or cube. Use the formula to calculate the volume of an object in cubic meters (m³), cubic centimeters (cm³), and cubic millimeters (mm³)
Probability and statistics: Understand the concept of probability, explain why probabilities range from 0 to 1, and express them as fractions, decimals, and percentages
Grade 8/Year 9
Arithmetic: Recognize squares of real numbers and their corresponding square roots
Algebra: Rule of algebra, describing the number n in the form 𝑛 ± 𝑎, 𝑎 × 𝑛 or 𝑎𝑛 ± 𝑏 (where 𝑎 and 𝑏 are positive integers, negative integers or fractions)
Geometry and measurement: Apply knowledge of area and volume to figure out how to calculate the volume of a triangular prism
Probability and statistics: Use the rule of addition to calculate the probability of a combination of two events
Grade 9/Year 10
Arithmetic: Applying knowledge of square roots and cube roots to prove irrational numbers
Algebra: Rule of algebra, describing the number n in the form 𝑎𝑛 ± 𝑏, (where 𝑎 and 𝑏 are positive integers, negative integers or fractions, in the form n/a, 𝑛², n³ or 𝑛² ± a where is an integer)
Geometry and measurement: Apply knowledge of area and volume to figure out how to calculate the volume of prisms and cylinders
Probability and statistics: Understand the rule of addition in probability – the probability of two mutually exclusive events can be found as the sum and the sum of the probabilities of the two mutually exclusive events equal to 1