
2023-08-07 06:39 am
Blog with Westminster Academy


  • The mathematics curriculum explores five topics: arithmetic, geometry, measurement, data processing, and problem-solving.
  • This course focuses on principles, patterns, systems, functions, and relationships so that students can apply their mathematical knowledge and develop a comprehensive understanding of the topic.

Grade 1/Year 2

  • Arithmetic: Representing the concepts of halves as fractions
  • Geometry and measurement: Distinguishing 2D and 3D shapes
  • Probability and statistics: Describe data, using familiar language including references to more, less, most, or at least to answer non-statistical questions and draw conclusions

Grade 2/Year 3

  • Arithmetic: Understand and visualize that sums, twos, and quarters can be combined to create new fractions
  • Geometry and metrology: Recognize 2D and 3D shapes in familiar objects
  • Probability and statistics: Describe data, identify similarities and differences to answer non-statistical and statistical questions, and draw conclusions

Grade 3/Year 4

  • Arithmetic: Add and subtract fractions with the same denominator (in a sum)
  • Geometry and metrology: Visual recognition, drawings, and diagrams of 3D shapes
  • Probability and statistics: Interpret data, identify similarities and differences in data sets to answer non-statistical and statistical questions, and discuss conclusions

Grade 4/Year 5

  • Arithmetic: Add and subtract fractions with the same denominator
  • Geometry and measurement: Match the polygon mesh to the corresponding 3D shape
  • Probability and statistics: Interpret data, identify similarities and differences, within and between data sets, to answer statistical questions. Discuss conclusions, consider variations

Grade 5/Year 6

  • Arithmetic: Add and subtract fractions with the same denominator and denominators that are multiples of each other
  • Geometry and measurement: Define and outline different polygon meshes for a cube
  • Probability and statistics: Describe data, identify patterns in data sets to answer statistical questions. Discuss conclusions, examine variability

Grade 6/Year 7

  • Arithmetic: Add and subtract fractions with different denominators
  • Geometry and measurement: Define and sketch different meshes for cubes, cubes, prisms, and pyramids.
  • Probability and statistics: Describe data, identify patterns in data sets to answer statistical questions. Discuss conclusions, examine variability, and test predictions
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